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Root Canal Vs. Extraction: Which Is Right For You?

Here are some factors to consider:


If you're experiencingtooth pain, you may be wondering if you need a root canal or extraction. Both procedures can help relieve pain, but they have different benefits and risks. Here's a closer look at what each procedure involves and when it might be the right choice for you.  

Root canal surgery 

A root canal is atreatment for the dental pulp inside a tooth. The dentist removes the infectedtissue and fills the cavity with a protective substance.   


When a tooth has beendamaged beyond repair or when there's no chance of saving it, your dentist mayrecommend an extraction. Extractions are typically performed by a dentist.   

Root Canal vs. Extraction: Which is right for you? Here are some factors toconsider:    

broken image

As we get older, teethbecome more susceptible to damage from decay and infection. So, for olderadults whose teeth are beyond repair, an extraction is usually the best choice. Your dentist can help you decide what's right for your age group.   

Location Extractionsare better options if your tooth isn't positioned straight or if it has a largecavity that would make the root canal difficult.    

Extractions are alsothe better choice when multiple teeth need to be removed, such as when all ofyour wisdom teeth need to come out.   

Medical condition Rootcanal treatment is not recommended if you have a medical condition that affectsyour immune system or if you're in poor health and recovering from an illness.These factors increase the chance that your body will not heal properly after the procedure.   


The health of thetooth Root canal treatment is not recommended if your tooth has extensive decayor damage, leaving little healthy tissue to clean out during the procedure. If there's not enough good pulp left in your tooth, you need an extraction rather than root canal treatment.